Its been so soooo long and I've been thinking of posting but things have been extremely changeable and busy, plus with very disruptive neighbours, life has not been conducive to writing, still I knew I should, but of course I didnt.
Nevertheless, here I am now.
Now, if you read my last post, you'll know I had a go with my remote mystery donor. It was really tough because I had all the pregnancy symptoms due to the progesterone pessaries, so the TTW ('two week wait' for all of you who arent up on the latest acronyms) was especially difficult. I tested two times, but in the back of my mind, I was fairly sure from about day 4 or 5 that I wasnt. And I wasnt.
Still, the progesterone had a therapeutic effect, so it wasnt all bad.
The upshot was that this week, I went to meet 'mystery donor' at a Midlands train station, who I hadnt met before the last donation, and the whole experience was deeply dissappointing, and exhausting due to two endless train journeys and long wait in between. Not that I would have been sorry I had gotten pregnant by him if the remote donation had worked, but lets just say I had high expectations for what he was like, and he surely didnt meet those. A very sweet chap, but still... (footnote: why do soooo many men lie about their height??)
Anyway, keen not to waste this ovulation, I flipped back through my memory to come up with someone else, which even led to a momentary madness of reconsidering the donor who I got pregnant with last year (sorry if you havent read any of my blog or anything about me thus far, but you'll have to catch up!Read the early entries of this blog, or Google my name and get the backstory) Luckily it was only a temporary blip which soon passed, and I found myself reconsidering AI guy from last year (ibid on this backstory). After a few moments, a few texts were exchanged, where at first the plan was just for us to meet so I could decide if I could put up with him (found him tres annoying last time) but then, Carpe Diem, I had him come around for another AI go last night. I had told him in my text that he had to just donate and leave, but found myself chatting with him before the donation (you cant chat after he creates the donation, as the guy has to leave immediately, obviously!)and actually enjoying it (now drop it! all you romantics out there, it was just not as annoying a chat, nothing is blossoming... although perhaps with someone else, a non-donor...too early to tell ;-) Anyway, I have absolutely no expectations of success. AI hasnt worked for me before, but I really wasnt prepared to have sex with the guy. Its become clear to me that my feelings on that topic have changed quite a lot. Still, might go for IVF with him. He has mellowed quite a bit, or perhaps was on his best behaviour, but whatever it was, I saw him in a partially new light, and found myself thinking he might actually make a good dad.
Let's see, what else has happened since I last blogged?
Still have been looking to move, but turned down a much larger but ultimately depressing flat from my landlords, and am now entertaining the thought of casting my sites further afield again.
Workwise, things are a bit busier now that summer hols are over, and have made a new contact in Glasgow, who is quite enthusiastic about having my two most major pieces in a big show there in November- very exciting!
Plus, in spite of money troubs, trying to put together some publicity for my businesses, and a new A/W know the usual girl stuff!
That's all for now, and it wasnt so painful!
I will try to post more frequently :-'')
*:-) L