It has been a very very long time since I've posted.
I just couldnt find enough to say when not much was going on with my 'fertility journey', I put that in quotes as I realise it sounds a bit pretentious, but its the way its being described by the media so it'll have to do.
I think I may have written about this already but, last Monday I was interviewed again by the first journalist who interviewed me, the one before the Times writer. Anyway, now she's doing a piece for the Sunday Telegraph and although this wont be solely about me, it is a feature in the Sunday magazine so its a good thing, I think. She was fun to talk to and has a story of her own so it wasnt quite so tiring as other interviews but still quite draining- there's something exhausting about talking about oneself. I'm sort of surprised I havent heard from her after the interview though...Anyway, the photo shoot is on Friday, and I think I'm going to get my hair cut but not my highlights re-done beforehand, who has time?
In other news, Danish donor swears he's going to make it this time, which good because I still dont have my new passport. I was contacted by a new donor within the last week, he is Dutch, and here in London (a big bonus) and with the right physical characteristics. He sounded promising at first, but his emails began to annoy me, as it became clear he was completely egocentric and had serious trust issues, so he is disqualified as a back-up. It was so bad in the end that I didnt even bother to meet him. So all my eggs are still in one basket *sigh* Fingers crossed
Between that and the photo shoot, and a few other things, such as the revolving door of next door neighbors, and money, and a few people I thought were good friends disappearing on me, I am quite stressed -ARGH- I relax for a few minutes and then one of these situations pops into my head and a I get another headache, or stomach ache, or my shoulders stiffen til they hit my ears> Sedona Method must be the answer.
I'm sure I should close with a song, but I cant think of one at the moment (again) so I'll just say
Nightie night
*:-/ Lulu
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