Friday, 3 June 2011

Fantastic swimmers, but far far away

I've just gotten an email from my Dane. He took it upon himself to do a sperm motility test (I guess he must be a bit bored stuck at home with a broken ankle :-) Anyway, he sent me the results and they seem VERY good; too bad they arent strong enough to swim on over here!
As it is I am having a weekend nothing like I had planned, no donors. The two I'd like are unable to make it, and the rest have been disqualified for being prats.
So...I have a couple of dates (yawn) with people that dont really interest me, at least not in that way, but I'm not going to sit around on my own all weekend when people are asking me out for a drink and a chat-well they might have more in mind, but not going to happen.
The last few days have been sooo hot and my week was quite hectic with other work, so plan to just chill out, literally, this weekend.
Still not much happening on the fertility front except that I've just found out that I'll be in the Sunday Telegraph. No donor dates to film though. But strangely, I dont feel any angst about all of this, I'm totally ok with it. When the time is right, it will happen. All day I've been seeing people totally wound up and just felt fine. Thank you, Sedona Method
Hmmm, a song for the day... cant think of the right one, oh well, never mind*:-)

Night night

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