Sunday, 10 October 2010

Ovulation Goggles

Of course we've all heard of 'beer goggles', but 'ovulation goggles'? I bet I'm not the only woman to have them...and they're how I come to be waiting to find out if I'm pregnant by a man I would never choose as a partner.
Come to think of it, its been the instigator of most, if not all my sexual encounters in recent years.
The thing is, I really really believe I like the guy at the time, but once the window has passed I cant think of a reason to keep contact. Now, with L the plot is thickened by the fact that, I didnt have sex with him, but undertook to get pregnant with him, so was surprised that the same applied, I wasnt sure about him because he was a rather dismal combo of negative,over-straight and not very bright or interesting... but not hideous looking and a fairly gentle soul (if a bit moody), and so I think I rode on that. Anyway, now I am vaguely horrified that I went ahead, but its too late for that now- if the outcome is positive, that is!
Speaking of which, nausea is my constant companion, but its still too early to do the test, and the nausea could be caused by the progresterone I am taking. I am planning to do a home test tomorrow morning, but even thats a bit early, so I could have a false negative.  I am so nervous about doing it, but not sure if I'm more afraid if the the result will be positive or negative...Yikes, there's no going back now!

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