Ok guys, as promised, here is the first part of the nuts and bolts.
I can only offer what is working for me, so if its not right for you dont do it! But soo many people keep asking me for advice, that I want give you everything I can think of (well, everything I can think of in the moment anyway :-) to help you get pregnant. As I remember other stuff- and learn new things- I will add them to the blog, so keep checking back.
Today I decided to focus on the Emotional/Mental side of things. This is the touchiest area of all for most people, and I've met so many women who try to pretend that they are ok on this score, yet spend thousands of pounds/dollars on fertility investigations and treatments, and would rather go through years of heartbreak not getting pregnant or recurrent miscarriages, than admit that there might be something going on in their psyche that could be stopping the whole process. And for those of you who are cringing already, this is not as airy-fairy as it may sound.
Its now established conventional knowledge that the psyche has a tremendous effect, even a deciding factor, whether a woman succeeds in getting, and staying, pregnant. Everything from your GP telling you to 'just relax', to doctors who are the head of fertility clinics suggesting counselling or hypnotherapy, and acknowledging that a vast number of psycho emtional components can effect your outcome.
But as my blog is all about what you can do yourself, because I believe in taking control of your fertility, this is a post about how you can help yourself, for the rest of your life, with this and other things too, for less than the cost of one or two private Harley St hypnotherapy sessions.
I did quite a bit of searching in this area long before I ever realised that it was connected to why I didnt have children, even though I always wanted them. I tried numerous methods from conventional to as far out as my basically rational character could handle. In all that time, only one thing has given me significant results, and you may know what it is, as I have mentioned in blog posts before...The Sedona Method. Although I first heard of it several years ago, I didnt really look into it until about a year ago, and I have been using it consistently since then. I can honestly say I am a happier calmer person for it, and its one of the things I credit for having gotten as far as 8 weeks in my last pregnancy, after having had a number of chemical pregnancies (thats when you have a miscarriage before your missed period). I will discuss the other elements that got me there in later parts of the Nuts & Bolts Guide.
So, The Sedona Method, yes, I know, it might sound like a weird name, 'What does it mean?' Never mind the name, or the home page that promises to increase your income in that way that makes you roll you eyes and go 'Yeah, right' etc (although it might well improve your income and many other things besides :-) Anyway, We are here to get pregnant, and this will zero straight in on your issues, and help you overcome them. You dont have to do anything silly or weird (not extremely anyway), no gurus or angels or spirit guides, or chants...and its not even terribly emotionally painful, so it feels amazing that it works.
For our purposes, and to start off I would recommend several of the products specifically. First are the individual releases 'Using the Body for Approval Control Separation or Oneness', 'Attraction/Repulsion or Sex Food or Money' and 'Slave Conciousness' For a fuller immersion (and therefore faster results), I would suggest the 'Living Love Course' which has a huge amount of content in all media forms. But honestly any of the courses, and any of the longer individual releases, could address your issue. What I suggest is that you look at the site, and let your intuition guide you on which is best for you.
I have had tremendous breakthroughs with this, and it has kept me sane through my previous donor experiences, my miscarriage during Christmas eve dinner with a large number of my family and their in-laws (an experience that would have previously depressed me on its own without a miscarriage), plus numerous other non-preg related stressful experiences. It has led me to take risks I couldnt bring myself to take in the past. And more recently its helped me to allow opportunities, and glide through all the wonderful chaos that has been going on, which I definitely would have avoided previously.
When I had my miscarriage, for example, I expected crushing depression, and usually I cant get through the triple whammy of Christmas New/Years/my birthday all within a 3 week span, without feeling somewhat depressed. Well, this time I kept waiting for the shoe to drop, and feel that sinking feeling, and it just didnt happen. I felt disappointed and frustrated about certain things, well a lot of things! But the crushing depression just didnt come. Thank you, Sedona Method.
I cant urge you strongly enough to try it; either to get over lifelong issues around the subject of getting or being pregnant or becoming and being a parent, or ones that are coming up as you go through the process of choosing a donor, getting pregnant, being pregnant, and anything else that might be troubling you!
Its great because you can do the processes while your doing other things (washing dishes or having a scan, for example :-), or take a moment out when your freaking out, to do a process (like when the donor refuses to be on the birth certificate after you know you're pregnant ARGH, or more simply, when your mother talks to you like you're 10, when you're old enough to be fighting the fertility battle).
It will make things clearer, and you calmer, in any situation.
What more can I say?
Ok, thats my soapbox for today. Tomorrow I'll talk about ways you can support or improve your fertility from a physical prospective- there's loads!
But right now, I'm exhausted from everything thats happening, and a bit anxious about whats to come (if you read my post yesterday, you know that I am meeting a potential donor tomorrow, and of course you all know about the impending Times article on Saturday) so I'm off to do some Sedona Method releases, and then a good night's sleep in my flannel jammies, double yum.
Night night
*:-) Lulu
ps... the song for the day is 'Hard Rain is Gonna Fall' by Roxy Music
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