Thursday, 21 April 2011

The Whole Shebang

As you can see from both yesterday's and today's titles, I am on a Velvet Goldmine  train of thought. If you dont know it, this song is by Grant Lee Buffalo. (Have a listen, this album rocks!)

Today was another gorgeous summer day lush flowery and lovely. I had my meeting with the documentary filmaker at my usual hang out, Cachao in PH, and the neighborhood performed splendidly, as my spritual home, it rarely lets me down.
She is interested in using my story, doing a feature of it actually, so have now emailed Danish donor to see if hes willing to participate. I think it would be fab.
I also spoke to the Lister clinic about the Immunoglobin test and treatment, so that would be in the film too. (I touched on that treatment briefly in my Gullian Barre post.)
Anyway, I wont know if the project is green-lighted til next week.

In fact, now its a Easter bank holiday weekend, so nothing will happen til next week. I can really use the time to get somethings organised but it still feels a bit like going from 60 to a full stop a bit too quickly.
I'll just have to enjoy some yummy R&R while I can get it, because I sort of get the feeling there wont be much of that for while afterwards....

So til tomorrow, I'll take The Whole Shebang


*:-) Lulu

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