First, to briefly deconstruct last nights 'donor date'. Very lovely guy, but it does seem a bit of waste for someone with a Cambridge degree (which he does have) to spend his life as a professional golf caddy...wondering how strong the lack of motivation is as a genetic trait? On the plus side he didnt lie, was very open, and was actually 6'2''!
As far as the article goes, no plug for my art website, which was promised ( in case you're interested) A huge amount of support from almost everyone, including a very sweet email from War Hero (look back to date posts of last weekend).
Now getting back to the task at hand of sharing what I've learned about getting and staying healthy.
I've thought of a few other key things that have been shown to have an important effect.
One of the first is EMFs, or electromagnetic fields. The most important way this effects all of us on a day to day basis is mobile phones and computers. Most important is the mobile phone of course, as thats the thing we are most likely to have in our pocket or bag close to our bodies. I would think this is fairly obvious, but just in case, and this goes for men too, DO NOT put your mobile phone in your pocket, especially not when it is on (and who carries around a turned off phone?) Different makes of phone emit more radiation than others, smartphones, unfortunately, emit the most.
Eat organic food as often as possible, I'm sure that that this is widely covered on the natural fertility website which I recommended, and I think the reasoning is fairly obvious, so I wont say any more about that.
Vitamins minerals and nutrients. This is a bit of a tricky one, because the mainstream medical community does not recognise a number of critical deficiencies as important, in spite of all the clinical evidence. I would look primarily to Magnesium, Zinc, B6 and B12. DO be careful not to over do the latter three. It would be very difficult to take too much Magnesium and its very relaxing so do enjoy that. A good site for supplement info is They dont have any info on fertility but loads about nutrients related to other things.
Also in this category should go amino acids. These are less widely known, but if you start googling around you will see that there a lot of women getting excellent results with Arginine. I also highly recommend Carnitine and Glutamine. if you are a vegetarian, you need to be extra diligent about keeping up your amino acid profile. Whey Protein Powder is an excellent way to do this. And, I believe that Natural Fetility shop mentions it, but its worth bringing up DIM which helps the body to dispose of xyno-estrogens. These are a very toxic substance which come primarily from plastics, food additives and additives in cosmetic products. They mess up your hormone levels, particularly interfering with you progesterone. I believe that you can order DIM from Natural Fertility Shop which you can reach by clicking on the banner at the bottom of the page.
The final item I'm going to mention tonight is sleep, especially since I'm about to get mine! If you have trouble sleeping it can have a very negative effect on your fertility. So much so, that apparently you can change your cycle by sleeping in total darkness for a certain number of nights of your cycle, and with a light on for the rest. if you have trouble going to sleep or sleeping through the night, I would suggest taking Melatonin for a while, until you get it sorted out. For years I didnt sleep through the night, and since taking Melatonin for about 6 weeks last year, I havent had the problem again. All can say is, aside from improving fertility, regular full nights of sleep improve the quality of your life!
I will no doubt think of other things in this category, but thats it for now.
See you tomorrow, where hopefully I can move on to Part 3.
For now its
Night night
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