So, yes, yesterday, the photo shoot...surreal and totally draining.
I can see why in some primitive cultures they dont like having their photo taken because they feel it steals the soul- it does.
Hair and makeup took hours, then I stood/ sat/ laid in the glorious sunshine whilst the world went by around me, and a photographer I've never met before, and no doubt will never meet again, clicked and clicked, and a lovely but slightly mad make up and hair person re-adjusted me. This went on for about an hour and a half, and then we all went our separate ways, I went home to my life, to walk Aslan. All this so I can become the poster girl for NI- who'd have thought it. I always thought I might be known for something, but certainly never thought it would be this...
Anyway, for the third time in a day Aslan and I made our way back to Primrose Hill where we met an A-list celeb and her lovely little dog; and life goes on. Never would it be more convenient for me to live in PH, just for the sheer amount of time I spend walking down there! But now in Belsize and liking it, just figures I seem to constantly need to be down there.
And all this is...its all very much on par with my New York life, but new unexpected and unsought here, nevertheless entirely welcome. Interesting though, I had seriously been considering returning to New York for some of my old life, but, at least for now, it doesnt look like that will be necessary. Life is funny that way; seems the best way to the thing you want the most, is to give up on it entirely.
Stay tuned*:-)
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